NEXT EDITION  –  FR 04/07/2025



Terms&Conditions Ticketsales

These terms and conditions discuss the provisions which apply for any use that the User makes of INTENSE EVENTS UG via Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Ticket services. The User is advised to carefully read the Terms and Conditions for Use so that he is aware of his rights and obligations when he uses the services. By using the services in any way, the User accepts that he is bound by these Terms and Conditions for Use.

Article 1 Definitions

The following terms with a capital letter are used in these terms and conditions. These terms will mean:

1.1 Event Organizer: the party organising an Event and selling the Tickets for admission to it.

1.2 Event: organised events, including but not limited to performances of an artistic and/or sporting nature, or theatre performances, plays, musical performances, concerts and/or musicals.

1.3 User: natural person or legal entity who uses the Ticketshop in any way.

1.4 Terms and Conditions for Use: these terms and conditions for the use of the Ticketshop; Intellectual Property Rights: all rights for intellectual property and related rights, such as copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, model rights, trade name rights, database rights and neighbouring rights, as well as rights to know how and patentable inventions.

1.5 Ticket: admission ticket to an Event.

1.6 Ticketshop: INTENSE EVENTS UG via Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Ticket‘ service which makes it possible for the User to order and/or reserve Tickets from Event Organizer INTENSE Events UG.

1.7 Transaction and Service costs: the costs charged by INTENSE EVENTS UG via Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Ticket to the User for the use of the Ticketshop.

1.8 INTENSE Events UG: a company established at Neusser Str. 618b, 50737 Koeln, Germany.

Article 2 Applicability

2.1 These Terms and Conditions for Use apply to any use by the User of the Ticketshop.

2.2 The version of the communication in question with the User saved by INTENSE EVENTS UG via Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Ticket applies as proof thereof, unless the User has proof to the contrary.

2.3 Electronic communication is deemed to have been received on the day of sending, unless the contrary can be proved by the recipient. If the communication has not been received as a result of delivery and/or accessibility problems with regard to the User’s e-mail box, this is for the User’s risk, even if the e-mail box is accommodated at a third party.

Article 3 Use of the Ticketshop

3.1 The Ticketshop provides a platform making it possible to purchase Tickets from Event Organizer INTENSE Events UG. Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets therefore only arranges for the ordering process of the Tickets. The agreement to purchase the Tickets arises between the User and the Event Organizer in question. Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets only acts as an intermediary and has nothing to do with the purchase agreement between the User and the Event Organizer. These Terms and Conditions for Use therefore only refer to the use of the Ticketshop.

3.2 If the User wishes to buy a Ticket, he shall have to go through the ordering process. During the ordering process, the User must provide certain information which is necessary for the Ticketshop. The User guarantees that this information is accurate, up to date and correct.

3.3 If the User has purchased a Ticket using the Ticketshop from the Event Organizer, the User can download the Ticket directly via the Ticketshop. The User receives confirmation of the fact that he has downloaded the Ticket no later than 30 minutes afterwards via the e-mail address indicated by him. This confirmation offers the User the opportunity to print the Ticket again.

3.4 If problems occur with regard to the working of the Ticketshop, the User may contact Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets via the website.

3.5 The User accepts that the use of Tickets as well as the access to Events may be subject to further conditions of the Event Organizer. As stated in article 3.1, Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is not responsible for these further terms and conditions and therefore does not accept any liability for any damage suffered by the User as the result of the further terms and conditions.

3.6 Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets points out to the User that the Ticketshop refers to leisure activities as meant in Article 7:46i paragraph 3 of the Netherlands Civil Code so that the User does not have the right to dissolve the agreement without giving reasons as meant in Article 7:46d of the Civil Code. Even if the Ticketshop did not refer to leisure activities, the User cannot dissolve the agreement since the Ticketshop is performed with the User’s direct consent. Pursuant to Articles 7:46d and 7:46i paragraph 5 under 1 of the Civil Code in that case the User has no possibility of dissolving the agreement without stating reasons.

3.7 The information concerning Tickets and Events, including information concerning the availability of Tickets as well as the dates of, changes to and cancellations of Events comes from the Event Organizer and not from Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets. Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets has no influence on it and no involvement in it and cannot guarantee the correctness of the information. There fore Twelve Ticketing/Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets does not accept any liability for any damage which the User may suffer as a result of Tickets not being available and/or otherwise incorrect and/or erroneous information from Event Organizers. Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets also does not accept any liability for damage caused by cancellation or postponement of an Event or for the quality of the Event and/or the location where the Event will be held.

3.8 The User can only use discount vouchers and/or coupons if the opportunity is explicitly offered during the ordering procedure and the discount vouchers and/or coupons were issued by an organisation which is accepted by Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets.

Article 4 Guarantees and indemnification

4.1 The User accepts that the Ticketshop only contains the functionality and other properties as found in the Ticketshop at the time of use („as is“). Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets excludes explicit and tacit guarantees, commitments and indemnification of any kind, including but not limited to guarantees, commitments and indemnification with regard to quality, safety, legitimacy, integrity and correctness of the Ticketshop.

4.2 The User indemnifies Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets for claims of third parties based on the assertion that the activities performed by User using the Ticketshop are unlawful.

4.3 The User guarantees that when using the Ticketshop (i) no robots, spiders or scrapers shall be used, or other applications which in any way shall perform actions other than those intended by the Ticketshop and/or (ii) no applications shall be used which monitor and/or copy the Ticketshop.

Article 5 Payment

5.1 The User pays the prices stated by the Event Organizer for the Ticket as listed in the Ticketshop. Transaction and Service costs are charged for the use of the Ticketshop and will be added to the price listed by the INTENSE Events UG as Event Organizer for a Ticket.

5.2 The prices are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise indicated. The listed prices may be amended without prior notification. The price stated during the ordering procedure is binding.

5.3 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets does not accept any liability with regard to mistakes in orders for Tickets, for example with regard to the number of Tickets and/or the kind of Event. It is not possible to cancel or exchange Tickets at Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets. Nor does Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets refund Tickets. With regard to these matters, Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets refers to the Event Organizer as the responsible and vendor of the Ticket.

5.4 If the Event Organizer decides to refund the amount paid for a Ticket, this shall never include the Transaction and Service costs. The Transaction and Service costs shall only be refunded to the User under the conditions referred to in article 9.2.

Article 6 Ticketshop interruption

6.1 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets does not guarantee that the Ticketshop shall be available at all times and without interruptions or breakdowns. Breakdowns may also, although not exclusively, occur as the result of malfunctions in the Internet or telephone connection or due to viruses or errors/defects. Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is not liable in any way or liable to pay compensation vis-à-vis the User for any damage arising from or as the result of the unavailability or malfunction (temporary or otherwise) of the Ticketshop.

6.2 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is entitled, without prior notification and without being liable to pay the User compensation, to shut down the Ticketshop temporarily and/or to limit its use if this is necessary in its opinion, for example in the scope of maintenance which is needed to the Ticketshop.

6.3 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is entitled without prior notification, to make procedural and technical changes and/or improvements to the Ticketshop.

Article 7 Intellectual property rights

7.1 The Intellectual Property Rights with regard to the Ticketshop, including the Intellectual Property rights to the texts, images, design, photos, software, audio-visual material and other materials are vested in Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets, its licensors and/or the Event Organizers.

7.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions for Use is intended to transfer any intellectual property rights to the User. The use that the User may make of the Ticketshop is limited to the use described here in the Terms and Conditions for Use. The User shall not perform any actions which could infringe Intellectual Property Rights of Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets, its licensors and/or Event Organizers, such as registering domain names or trademarks which resemble or are identical to any object which Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets, its licensors and/or the Event Organizers could have Intellectual Property Rights in.

Article 8 Privacy

8.1 During the use of the Ticketshop, the User shall provide personal and other data to Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets. This personal and other data shall be stored and processed in accordance with applicable legislation, and not provided to third parties without prior consent unless Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is legally required to do so, or in defence of its rights.

Article 9 Liability

9.1 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets does not accept any liability for damage as a result of issuance by the Ticketshop for wrongful act or otherwise in so far as this is permitted under mandatory law.

9.2 Insofar as Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets, despite the provisions of article 9.1, is liable for damages meant in article 9.1, the amount of the compensation shall be limited to the Transaction and Service costs charged for the use of the Ticketshop.

9.3 The User indemnifies Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets for all claims by third parties, for any reason, with regard to compensation of damage, costs or interest, related to or arising from its irregular use of the Ticketshop and/or violation of these Terms and Conditions for Use and/or any other rights of third parties.

9.4 Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets’s liability limitation is not intended however to exclude liability of Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets for intent and/or wilful recklessness of Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets („own actions“) and/or its managers and subordinates.

Article 10 Notice, dissolution and cancellation insurance

10.1 Premature termination of the agreement for use of the Ticketshop is not possible.

10.2 Both parties are entitled to dissolve the agreement to use Ticketshop if the other party fails imputably in the observance of its obligations from these Terms and Conditions for Use and after thorough and as detailed as possible notice of default has been received, containing a reasonable term for rectification of the shortcoming, continues to fail imputably in the observance of its obligations from these Terms and Conditions for Use.

10.3 The performances carried out by Ticketshop before dissolution and the related payment obligation shall not be revoked in the event of dissolution.

10.4 Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions for Use, Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets is entitled to dissolve the agreement for use of the Ticketshop directly without legal intervention and without being held liable towards the User and to cancel reserved Tickets if:

  1. the User does not meet its payment obligations;
  2. in Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets’s opinion, the User has committed fraud, provided false payment details, cancelled a payment or Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets establishes other irregularities.

Article 11 Miscellaneous, applicable law and court having jurisdiction

11.1 Dutch law shall govern the Terms and Conditions for Use and the use of the Ticketshop.

11.2 All disputes between the User, if a consumer, and Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets will be presented to the court having jurisdiction in the district of the User’s place of residence, unless mandatory law determines otherwise. In the event of disputes between the User, who is not a consumer, and Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets, all disputes shall be presented to the court having jurisdiction in Amsterdam.

11.3 If these Terms and Conditions for Use are or become partially invalid, then the User and Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets shall be bound by the remaining provisions. Twelve Ticketing/Gayo Tickets shall replace the invalid part by provisions which are valid and of which the legal consequences, considering the content and the purpose of these Terms and Conditions for Use, are as close as possible to those of the invalid part.


Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Online-Ticketverkauf Xtreme!2022


Version 2022.02(1)


Tickets für die Veranstaltung Xtreme!2022 können über den offiziellen Ticketshop der INTENSE Events UG bestellt werden.


Der Besucher füllt die abgefragten Informationen (E-Mail-Adresse, Vor- und Nachname, Geburtsdatum und E-Mail-Adresse) wahrheitsgemäß aus und akzeptiert die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.


Pro Ticket/Bestellung können dem Besucher Kosten in Rechnung gestellt werden, die dann auf der Website/Ticketshop deutlich ausgewiesen werden.


Die Tickets werden dem Besucher per E-Mail zugesandt und sind nicht auf andere Personen übertragbar.


Wird die Veranstaltung aufgrund neu angekündigter Corona-Maßnahmen abgesagt, behalten die Tickets ihre Gültigkeit bis zum neu zu planenden Termin.
Der Veranstalter INTENSE Events kann auch darüber entscheiden, dass alle Tickets rückerstattet werden. Dieses beinhaltet immer den Ticketpreis. Nutzungsentgelte für das Ticketingssystem und/oder die Gebühren für das Zahlungsmittel, welches durch INTENSE Events UG nur durchgereicht werden, werden in diesem Fall nicht erstattet.


Die vom Besucher eingegebenen persönlichen Daten werden nur zur Durchführung der Besucherbestellung und Information vor der Veranstaltung zur Einlassdurchführung verwendet, Die Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Es gelten zusätzlich die entsprechenden Vorgaben der auf der Homepage einsehbaren Bedingungen.


Die Daten des Käufers/Besuchern werden vertraulich behandelt. Diese Information

werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, vermietet oder verkauft. Daten werden nur von den an der Abwicklung beteiligten Unternehmen Twelve Ticketing/Gaygo Tickets verarbeitet und in regelmäßigen Intervallen gelöscht.



Der Besucher erklärt sich mit den folgenden Bedinungen einverstanden, wenn er den Ticketshop nutzt. Er hat Kenntnis davon erlangt.


Jeder Besucher lässt sein Ticket am Eingang scannen, dies kann auf Papier oder per Handy erfolgen.

Ohne offizielle Eintrittskarte ist der Besuch der Veranstaltung für Besucher nicht möglich.

Jeder Besucher ist verpflichtet, sich am Einlass oder während der Veranstaltung auszuweisen.

Wenn sich ein Besucher nicht ausweisen kann, ist die Organisation berechtigt, den Besucher abzulehnen und/oder von der Veranstaltung zu entfernen.

Der Besucher befolgt alle Anweisungen der Organisation. Besucher, die nicht einverstanden sind kann der Zutritt zur Veranstaltung verweigert werden.

Der Besucher ist mit der Hausordnung der Veranstaltungshallte vertraut und hält diese Hausordnung ein.

Besucher unter 18 Jahren sind bei der Veranstaltung nicht zugelassen.

Die Organisation behält sich das Recht vor, Besucher jederzeit auf unerwünschtes Verhalten anzusprechen und Besucher gegebenenfalls zu entfernen.

Die Organisation haftet nicht für insbesondere, aber nicht ausschließlich, verlorene und/oder beschädigte Sachen.

Schäden oder Verluste, die der Organisation nachweislich entstanden sind, werden der Person in Rechnung gestellt, die sie verursacht hat.


Wird einem Besucher aufgrund eines oder mehrerer Artikel dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Zutritt verweigert oder von der Veranstaltung ausgeschlossen, so hat der Besucher keinen Anspruch auf Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises der Eintrittskarte.

Generell ist eine Rückerstattung nach erfolgreicher Ticketbestellung die in der Person des Ticketbestellers begründet ist und außerhalb des Verantwortungsbereichs der INTENSE Events UG liegt, ausgeschlossen. Es wird daher weder eine Rückerstattung noch eine Gutschein für eine andere Veranstaltung der INTENSE Events UG ausgestellt.

Während der Veranstaltung können Aufnahmen gemacht werden. Durch die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung erteilen alle Besucher INTENSE Events UG stillschweigend die Erlaubnis, Video- und Fotobilder zu reproduzieren, zu veröffentlichen und/oder zu verwerten.
Sollte im Nachgang eine Nutzung der Aufnahmen nicht gewünscht sein, kann der Besucher INTENSE Events UG bitten die Aufnahmen nicht zu nutzen. In diesem Fall wird INTENSE Events UG alles Mögliche tun, um der Bitte nachzukommen. In Einzelfällen wird dies nicht möglich sein, insbesondere in Fällen in den beispielsweise Druckmaterial bereits verteilt worden ist.


Im Falle einer Diskussion über die oben genannten Punkte trifft die Organisation eine verbindliche Entscheidung.

Für den Besuch der Veranstaltung erwarten wir COV 19 Auflagen in Form von 2G+, dies bedeutet nur Geimpften, Genesenen mit (tages)aktuellem Test kann Zutritt gewährt werden.
Die aktuell Notwendigen Zutrittsregelungen findet der Besucher auf
Eine Erstattung der Tickets ist nicht möglich, wenn zum Zeitpunkt des Eintritts die Nachweise dieser Zutrittsregelungen (geimpft, genesen + test) nicht eingehalten werden.

Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieser AGBs ganz oder teilweise unwirksam oder nichtig sein oder infolge Änderung der Gesetzeslage oder durch höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung oder auf andere Weise ganz oder teilweise unwirksam oder nichtig werden oder weist diese AGBSs Lücken auf, so sind sich die Parteien darüber einig, dass die übri­gen Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages davon unberührt und gültig bleiben. Für diesen Fall verpflichten sich INTENSE Events UG, unter Berücksichtigung des Grundsatzes von Treu und Glauben an Stelle der unwirksamen Bestimmung eine wirksame Bestimmung zu vereinbaren, welche dem Sinn und Zweck der unwirksamen Bestimmung möglichst nahe kommt und von der anzunehmen ist, dass die Parteien sie im Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses vereinbart hätten, wenn sie die Unwirksamkeit oder Nichtigkeit gekannt oder vorhergesehen hätten. Entsprechendes gilt, falls dieser Vertrag eine Lücke enthalten sollte.

Dem Ticketbesteller steht für Rückfragen der Kundenservice unter zur Verfügung.

Köln, 01.03.2022